Crew’s Photo
300 - Creating a Genie w Daprima Harmonia Lu
301 - Mac ’n Cheese w Aless Jesse Neve Vanni
302 - Tea Party w Fin Grace
303 - Are You Crazy? w Brynie Daprima Fin
304 - Again w Daprima Grace Io Mez
305 - Free w Daprima Io Mez Quinn
306 - Being Human w Io Jesse Mez Tahariel
307 - I Get It w Jesse Mez
308 - Cupcake w Es Karanthir Phae Zyfan
309 - House w Phae Wish Zyfan
320 - The Proprietess w Es Harmonia Racolo
321 - Watched w Cammeo Charlotte Mez Tahariel
322 - Popped In & Out w Charlotte Karanthir Orrie Zyfan
323 - Empty w Cammeo Charlotte Mez
324 - The Shoe w Cammeo Tahariel
325 - She Blocks Me w Charlotte Daprima Lu
326 - Blink of an Eye w Harmonia Xyla
327 - Overdressed w Syrrah Vanni
328 - A Wand w Aless Grace Harmonia Quinn
329 - In the Window Seat w Brynie Karanthir Orrie
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340 - His Gift w Fin Karanthir Orrie
341 - Two of Them Brynie Karanthir Lita Orrie Syrrah Vanni Zyfan
342 - Leave it with Me w Lita Pica Syrrah Vanni
343 - Relationship w Karanthir Phae Zyfan
344 - Bamboozle w Karanthir Syrrah Zyfan
345 - Obnoxious w Harmonia Lita Neve Orrie Tahariel
346 - A Spark w Harmonia Jesse Lu
347 - Can and Will w Es Lithium Lita Mez Syrrah
348 - My Word w Karanthir Mez Pica Syrrah Vanni Zyfan
349 - Here to There w Es Lithium Racolo Wysh
310 - A Courtesy Call w Pica Syrrah Vanni
311 - All Fired Up w Es Syrrah
312 - Sit Down w Io Karanthir Orrie Zyfan
313 - Master of the Broom w Io Quinn
314 - Plenty To Do w Cammeo Charlotte Phae Wysh
315 - Rabbit Hole w Cammeo Charlotte Tahariel
316 - I Hate Shopping w Fin Karanthir
317 - Mates w Io Jesse Mez Quinn
318 - Io w Grace Io
319 - You Talk a Lot w Grace Wysh
330 - Have You Seen w Charlotte Harmonia Karanthir Wysh
331 - I’m Just a Doll w Charlotte Harm Karanthir Roc Wysh
332 - Sweet and Happy w Karanthir Zyfan
333 - Charlotte w Cammeo Mez Tahariel
334 - Summer Vacation w Fin Karanthir Zyfan
335 - Just Swell w Brynie Karanthir Phae Zyfan
336 - That Little Pixie w Harmonia Karanthir Phae
337 - Edge w Fin Jesse Karanthir Phae Wysh
338 - A Great Asset w Karanthir Phae Racolo Wysh
339 - The Sabbatical w Karanthir Phae Pica Vanni
350 - Little Elf Ears w Es Lithium Racolo
351 - You Owe Me w Aless Es Lu Quinn Xyla
352 - Kind of Cute w Brynie Cammeo Neve Tahariel
353 - She’s Into Me w Jesse Karanthir Mez
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