The Crew’s archived stories (ch. 1 - 259) are not available at this time.
Rosengarden Hana
flesh tone resin / faceup by Shaiel
Cammeo’s doll
debut story: 280 exit story: 333
Charlotte was a doll that Mez gave to Cammeo. Cammeo adored her and carried her everywhere. Then, Wysh, a fairy, thought Cammeo missed her sister, Herita, and wanted to help. So she magicked Herita into the doll. While the real Herita slept, part of her essence, (the vampire part) came alive in Charlotte. It didn’t take long for the Crew to figure this out and make things right again. No part of Herita is in the doll any longer. Charlotte now belongs to Trey.
Volks FCS SD13 F26
pureskin beauty white resin / default faceup
originally from Tokyo / 22 year-old human
Vanni’s younger sister
occupation: Florist Shop Owner
debut story: 145 exit story: 259
Chinatsu is a time traveler. She traveled back to the last century to become a Geisha. After the birth of her daughter, Meg, she came forward in time to be near her brother, Vanni. While here - she was reunited with Meg’s father, Trey. He was a client of hers back when she was a Geisha. Soon after, she met and fell in love with Shichi. She and her daughter now live in the Elvin realm with him. Meanwhile, her shop continues to be run by the Crew.
Volks SD Sweet Dream Nana One-Off
pureskin flesh tone resin / default faceup
originally from England / 15 year-old human
Cammeo’s twin sister
debut story: 095 exit story: 244
Herita was a vampire. Her sister, Cammeo, slayed her. A wish, made by Grace and granted by Io the genie, brought her back to life as a human and she moved in with the Crew. She soon became obsessed with becoming a vampire again. Her plan was to have Esmodonti bring her across. It went very wrong. She made a potion that caused Esmodonti to become so blood thirsty that she attacked Zyfan. Lu, representing the Committee, stepped in and took Herita away. She’s presently in England getting the help she needs.
Ceberus Project Delf Moon
white resin / faceup by unknown artist
Ex-Genie / now human
debut story: 100 exit story: 318
Io was a Genie for many millennia, belonging to the Dessert Clan in the Elvin realm. He unexpectedly wound up bin the hands of Daprima, Mez and Grace. Daprima realized Io needed to learn independence so she waited until it was time to free him. Mez looked after him and Grace taught him to read. Io had a brief but happy relationship with Jesse. They parted as friends. Then he was free from the bound. He ventured back to the eleven realm to work for Trey in a magic archeological dig. Trey, a natural teacher became Io’s new mentor and love interest.
Custom House Bisou Ai Bonbon
white resin / default faceup
originally from Japan / 3 year-old human
Harmonia, Lu & Quinn’s half sister / Vanni’s niece
debut story: 164 exit story: 259
Meg is the daughter of Chinatsu and Trey. She was born in Kyoto, while her mother was a very successful Geisha, during the last century. She was magically brought forward in time, by a wish made by Grace and granted by Io the genie. It was then that she met her father, Trey, for the first time, along with her older half sisters - Harmonia and Lu. Presently, Meg is being raised by her mother in the Elvin realm.
Cannoli aka Noli
Leekworld Sweet, ver. 2
flesh tone resin / default faceup
originally from Connecticut / 4 year old human
debut story: 006 exit story: 097
Noli was an orphan who lived with the Crew when they were still new. She was especially close to Vanni and Brynie. She left when her family was located and is now living, happily with them.
FDQ Exclusive Volks LE SD16 Olivia Morgan, ver. 1
pureskin flesh tone resin / def. faceup enhanced by Am
originally from New York / 24 year-old human
Aless & Racolo’s grandmother
debut story: 137 exit story: 225
Qualina was accidentally magicked from the past to the present by her grandsons; Racolo and Aless. When she met her great-grandson, Lithium, she decided to remain here with the goal of uniting the boy’s parents. She was unsuccessful. When she realized the danger in her staying in this time, she returned to her own - but not before sharing some words of wisdom with Lithium’s mother, Esmodonti concerning Racolo.
FDQ Exclusive Volks LE SD13 Irvin, ver. 1
pureskin ebony resin / def. faceup by Valico
Sea Clan Prince / 132 year-old elf
Phae’s Advisor
debut story: 148 exit story: 260
Shichi was hired by Thyssa to escort, and then be the Advisor to Phae, in her quest to become Zyfan’s bride. While here, he was reunited with his sister Usagi and also met up with old friends; Fin and Karanthir. He met and fell in love with Chinatsu and her little girl, Meg. Once his obligation to Phae was completed, he returned to his Clan in the Elvin realm at the request of his mother, the Empress.
Soom LE Super Gem Beryl Never Ending Dream, ver. 1
white resin / default faceup
Succubus / 258 years old
Phae’s God-mother aka Auntie
debut story: 151 exit story: 167
Thyssa hired Shichi to be Phae's protector and guide on her journey to meet Prince Zyfan in the home of the Lady with the Dog. Thyssa then showed up to be certain Shichi was fulfilling his duty.
Thyssa and Trey have a young son together, named Vladi. She left the Crew to reclaim him as he was long overdue from visiting with his father.
Volks LE SD Tae (Anais)
flesh tone resin / def. faceup enhanced by Am
Aless & Racolo’s half sister / Jesse’s ex-girlfriend
15 year-old human
debut story: 087 exit story: 126
Tia moved into the home of the Lady with the Dog when her father forbade her from dating Jesse (her boyfriend, at the time). After they broke up, due to Jesse’s cheating, Tia returned to her father's home in California. This saddened Aless, who liked having his big sister nearby, even though they had little in common. Racolo was relieved to see her go.
Volks hybrid Williams on SD17 Reisner body
pureskin flesh tone resin / def. faceup by K. Mayura
human under youth spell
Harmonia, Lu, & Quinn’s father / Racolo’s mentor
debut story: 140 exit story: 193
Trey has been under a youth spell for almost 300 years. During that time he’s fathered many children, among them are Harmonia, Lu, Quinn, Vladi, and Meg, He never lived in the home of the Lady with the Dog but visited often. He dated Esmodonti and made at play at Qualina.
Trey is a professor at Magick School. Racolo was his protege. Trey is presently in search of magical items and dragons in the Elvin realm with Xyla.
Volks FCS SD13 F29
pureskin sunlight resin / default faceup
Sea Clan Princess / 142 year-old elf
Washi’s wife / Shichi’s sister
debut story: 196 exit story: 247
Usagi stayed in the home of the Lady with the Dog at her husband, Washi’s request. While here she had a brief affair with Racolo, repaid a childhood debt to Syrrah by using her necromancy skills to place Esmodonti under a sleep spell. After which, she departed to join her husband and daughter in the Elvin realm.
Volks FCS SD13 F30
pureskin beauty white resin / default faceup
Desert Clan Prince / 214 year-old elf
Usagi’s husband / Zyfan’s first love
debut story: 129 exit story: 219
Long ago, Washi and Zyfan were lovers. The relationship ended badly and publicly humiliated Zyfan.
Later, Washi paid a visit to the Crew, with the goal of reclaiming his genie, Io - who he insisted had been stolen from him. He failed and left.
Much later, he and his wife, Usagi, visited the Crew for a few months to further diplomatic relations between their Clan and Zyfan's.
Washi Telemaitte of Elensar